Keep Smiling Wishes Sms Messages
In this post we are sharing a collection of keep smiling wishes,I wish you always smile sms, Always Keep Smiling messages, you can send these wishes messages to your family, friends or loved ones.
- A smile bring more smiles,
So always keep smiling to spread smile to miles!
- Keep smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting you.
- Keep the smile,Leave the tear,
Think of joy,Forget the fear,
Hold the laugh,Leave the pain,
Keep Smiling till i sms again.
- May smile be there in the world forever!
Try to make an effort for the same.
Keep smiling.
- Roses are red,
My heart is sad…
A Smile from you
Will make me glad…
Always Keep Smiling.
- A smile gives red color to your cheeks,
White to your teeth,
Pink color to your lips,
Silver color to your eyes,
So keep smiling!
- Smile is a language of love,
Smile is a source to win hearts,
Smile is the name of a lovely mood,
Smile creates greatness in personality.
So Keep Smiling…
- Smile is completed when it begins with you Lips,
Reflects in your eyes & ends with a glow on your face.
I Wish you many many Smiling Moments in your life!
Always Keep Smiling.
- There are many languages in the world but smile speaks them all.
So keep smiling…
- Smile in pleasure, smile in pain,
Smile when trouble pours like rain,
Smile when someone hurts you,
Smile because someone wants to see you Smiling….
- Dream makes everything possible,
Hope makes everything work,
Love makes everything beautiful,
Smile makes all the above.
So keep smiling…
- Keep smiling because…
A smile is like a Sim card & Life is like a cellphone
Whenever You insert the Sim card of a smile,
A beautiful day is Activated…